Monday, October 28, 2013

So, This is ME..

Hey, this is my 4th time to create a blog.. *crossing my fingers that this will be the last :)*. It's not that I'm lazy to update my blog, but sometimes the moment had passed that I'm not in a mood to write about it.. (okay, I guess, I'm lazy).

Aubrey, my friend, gave me an inspiration to blog again. I always read her blog, and everytime I do it, I'm like "Oh, I want to do this (the blogging) too".

So here I am..

As you can see from the right side of this blog, my name is Desiree :):) And no, I did not say those words after my name. It is actually a quote from Frederick S. Perls. I'm not yet too inspired to put my own words there, so that will do for a while.

I am blissfully married for 1 year and 4 months now :) When I say blissful, it's not that our relationship is perfect, we have lots of ups and downs too, but at the end of the day, i have somebody i can rely on, through thick and thin, good times and bad; and I think we are really committed to love each other that those  down moments were okay. Some of you may want to say "Oh shut up, 1 year and 4 months??? you're still in the honeymoon stage". But believe me, I know! I am confident that I found a man who can put up with me, NO MATTER WHAT! and I will have the rest of my life with him, hopefully 60-70 years together :):)

Yes, I do think I'm one of the luckiest girl in the world. :):)

One of our "Happy Photos" from our wedding :):)

And here's another news about me: I AM PREGNANT! 10 weeks and 5 days today. But I think this deserves another blog entry, so bye for now.

Here's to hoping that I will update this blog as frequently as I'd like to be! :):)


  1. Yay! Congrats on this Sis! Kaya mo yan. Update this one often to document your baby's development. It'll be a whole lot of fun. Be a Mom Blogger. Hihihihi...

  2. Thank you sis, as I said you are my inspiration. I love you, hihihi.
